May is Better Speech and Hearing month. Jada Pinkett Smith once said “My belief is that communication is the best way to create strong relationships.” At Designer Audiology, we are passionate about all-around communication. Communication is more than speech and hearing; it includes spoken words, tonal qualities, inflection, eye contact, body language, and more. Services at Designer Audiology focus on better communication, not just better hearing. Hearing aids are commonly associated with better hearing, but in reality, better hearing begins with a comprehensive hearing test. The hearing test identifies each person’s hearing abilities in quiet and background noise. After that knowledge is obtained, better communication can begin. Communication strategies — tips and tricks to help a speaker and listener in a specific environment — can be explained based on the hearing test results. Then, appropriate devices, if recommended, can also be discussed. These devices may be used for hearing protection, amplification in specific environments or for use with specifics speakers (e.g. personal sound amplification products- PSAPs), or amplification for full-time use (e.g. hearing aids). Since each person’s lifestyle, environments, and speakers are unique, individualized recommendations are essentially to better communication. Since May is one month to focus on communication, schedule an appointment for a hearing evaluation to start your own personalized plan. Make a commitment to communication and relationships this May!